Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The fastest 6 months of our lives!

On January 18 Abby Paige Beal turned 6 months old, it might not seem like a big deal but to us it was. It is hard to believe that 6 months has come and gone so quickly and that our baby girl is growing up so fast. As usual Abby has been very happy and playful and these pictures and video show what she has been up to.

This is a video of Abby "clapping" or at least that is what Julie and I think she is doing. She seems to do this multiple times and day and usually when she is excited.

Here is a picture of Abby playing in her cool fort, she got this before she was even born.And here she is sitting up all by herself, this is new within the past week. She was shaky at first but now she will sit for 30 minutes all by herself playing with her toys or the case of this picture her doggy slippers.

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