Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Growing up so fast!!!

Our sweet little girl Abby is 2 months old today! Julie and I know we haven't been very good about updating the blog but we have been so busy. But we figured we better make some time to update everyone on the life and times of Abby Paige. Last week Abby started daycare at Vickie's house. I am pretty sure it was harder on Julie and I than her. While it is tough to leave her she is doing really well, Vickie says she is just an terrific baby. The other kids also love Abby, when Julie comes to pick Abby up at the end of the day all the kids have to say bye to baby Abby. Other developments are her ability to hold her head up better and better each day. She has also started sleeping later and later, which is really nice. The last week she hasn't gotten up any earlier than 4:30 in the morning.
Other up coming events in Abby's life would be her first round of vaccinations on Friday, which Julie is pretty nervous about. As many of you know Julie is going to school to be a chiropractor and recently had to write a paper on the pros and cons of vaccinations. And while we decided to vaccinate Abby, Julie was forced to read about the horror stories when vaccinations caused far more harm than good. Abby is also getting baptized this Sunday, which is going to be a big day for her and the whole family. Abby's grandma Janis will be putting on a little party for her afterwards.
The attached pictures just show how Abby has grown so far, you may notice her smiling in a few as she has begun smiling at people and things she likes.